lsmod shows no kernel modules

I have a question: I updated my debian squeeze to the latest kernel 3.0.18 and now the lsmod command shows no kernel modules and arnos firewall throws a bunch of errors when it is started. The firewall however seems to work.

Are the kernel modules for iptables conntrack etc. compiled into the kernel and not loaded into the kernel?

I am just getting nervous when my ipatbles make strange things…

/sbin/modprobe ip_tables: Module not found! Assuming compiled-in-kernel!
WARNING: (1) Module(s) "nf_conntrack|ip_conntrack" failed to load. Assuming compiled-in-kernel!
WARNING: (1) Module(s) "nf_conntrack_ftp|ip_conntrack_ftp" failed to load. Assuming compiled-in-kernel!
WARNING: (1) Module(s) "xt_conntrack|ipt_conntrack" failed to load. Assuming compiled-in-kernel!
WARNING: (1) Module(s) "xt_limit|ipt_limit" failed to load. Assuming compiled-in-kernel!
WARNING: (1) Module(s) "xt_state|ipt_state" failed to load. Assuming compiled-in-kernel!
WARNING: (1) Module(s) "xt_multiport|ipt_multiport" failed to load. Assuming compiled-in-kernel!
/sbin/modprobe iptable_filter: Module not found! Assuming compiled-in-kernel!
/sbin/modprobe iptable_mangle: Module not found! Assuming compiled-in-kernel!
/sbin/modprobe ipt_REJECT: Module not found! Assuming compiled-in-kernel!
/sbin/modprobe ipt_LOG: Module not found! Assuming compiled-in-kernel!
WARNING: (1) Module(s) "xt_TCPMSS|ipt_TCPMSS" failed to load. Assuming compiled-in-kernel!
WARNING: (1) Module(s) "xt_DSCP|ipt_DSCP|ipt_TOS" failed to load. Assuming compiled-in-kernel!
/sbin/iptables: (1) iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
/sbin/iptables: (1) iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.

4 Replies

Those are just warnings, not errors. Yes, they are compiled into Linode's kernels and not separated out as modules.

Is there information available how the linode kernels are built? Which options and compiled in modules?

You can check /proc/config.gz, or zcat /proc/config.gz

@retrograde inversion:

Those are just warnings, not errors.

Set this to 0 to suppress "assuming module is compiled in kernel" messages




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