SFTP access?

Hello! I installed a Wordpress stackscript on my linode and wanted to access it by my moblie SFTP program on my iPad 2. Problem I'm having is that it installs outside of root and I can't access anything that is located outside of root on the program. If I log in via FileZilla on my desktop I can have access and is not an issue.

Does anyone use a program that can access files outside of root via the iPad? Or am I missing something? Is it possible to move my install into the root? I currently use FTP on the go pro app for iPad.

Thanks for any suggestions!

5 Replies

Ipad doesn't support ssh?

It sounds like a problem with your iPad's SSH application. You would have to figure out how to do that, or try a different application.

I use iSSH- works well, worth the $10 easily.

First, thank you for your response.

I use the same ISSh as you do bryantrv, and it works fine for me. I am having an issue using FTPontheGoPro app for the iPad. I can log in fine and I can get to every file that is located inside the root folder. The issue is getting into the folder infront of root that the stackscript installed it self. I can use FileZilla and I can access everything again just fine. Was not sure why I cannot gain acces via the app to the folder before root.

I need a SFTP app as I travel and need to upload files ect… That cannot be done via ISSH.

Hope that clears it up!

Thanks again

I found the solution to my question! I wanted to share it in case someone comes along with the same problem or if someone is looking for a SFTP app to edit files via iPad!

As I stated before I had the FTPontheGoPro app. I could not access files outside my root folder was the issue. The solution is to add // at the end of your servers address (example.com//) Yes, that simple!

Gets you in no issue!

Now my iPad does everything I need 100%

Thanks again…..


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