Time zone in Linode backup history

On the "Backups" tab in the Linode Manager, each automatic backup has a start date/time and an end date/time, but no time zone. The "Backup Window" field up above indicates GMT-5, but the window I've chosen is 0200-0400, whereas all of my backups run shortly after 0100.

So I'm wondering if there's a timezone discrepancy here, and more specifically what the timezone is of the timestamps in the "Backup History" report. Anyone know for sure?

My daily automatic backups seem to finish at a fairly consistent time every day and I'm going to schedule a resize via API for a low-traffic time, but I'd like to be certain that the resize will happen after the daily automatic backup. Can't quite be certain without knowing what that timezone is.

1 Reply

Turns out it's the timezone you have set in your login profile. Mine was GMT-6 and I tried switching it to GMT-5 and then refreshing the Backup History page. The times then matched up with my chosen backup window. Question answered!


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