
Will Linode provide an image of Fedora (Redhat's new distro) when it's available in a couple of days?


8 Replies

Well it is more like redhats replacement, since there RH 9 was the last release and all support will end by April next year, only the commercial ones available after that.


Sounds like a good time for a mass exodus to Slackware and Gentoo :)


Well it is more like redhats replacement, since there RH 9 was the last release and all support will end by April next year, only the commercial ones available after that.
Exactly, so certainly worth putting an image up when the general release will be available.


Will Linode provide an image of Fedora (Redhat's new distro) when it's available in a couple of days?


yes please :D :?:

Chris, do you think you could put an image up?

Linode Staff

I'm working on getting a Fedora distro setup. It should be ready by next week or so.



I'm working on getting a Fedora distro setup. It should be ready by next week or so.

I built an image with your RH9 distro (small), stripped it down, reset the yum repository to Fedora, then ran "yum upgrade" and got Fedora just fine. There were a couple of broken dependencies (like pine), but it all worked.

Linode Staff

I had decent success doing the same with with apt. I had to remove some mysql related perl packages before performing the dist-upgrade. It seemed to work, but I still would like to provide a fresh image.

For the impatient, feel free to use either of these methods and report back the results :)



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