vpn connecting but can't browse websites (mac osx)

I used this guide ~~[http://library.linode.com/networking/openvpn/ubuntu-10.04-lucid" target="_blank">](http://library.linode.com/networking/op … 0.04-lucid">http://library.linode.com/networking/openvpn/ubuntu-10.04-lucid](

to setup my vpn. I ran all the commands on my linode with root access, copied relavent files to my client and setup tunnelblick. When I use tunnelblick it's successful in connecting to the vpn.

After that, i can ping my linode ip and but nothing else else seems to work. I can't ping www.google.com for example and i can't browse any websites.

Where can I look to start trouble shooting what's going on? I made sure to do the iptables part of the openvpn setup as well as installing dnsmasq. But I still can't browse any websites.

3 Replies

my particular problem was that i had specified ip's for my DNS in network settings. once i deleted them and reconnected to the VPN it pushed down DNS settings to use (DNS Server =, Search Domains = openvpn)

i just got lucky trying different things out and figured it out. but one thing that helped was looking at the log files. the relevant files are



by default openvpn will put logs in


but i changed my /etc/openvpn/server.conf so the log would goto openvpn.log instead

hope this helps someone else out there.


I used this guide ~~[http://library.linode.com/networking/openvpn/ubuntu-10.04-lucid" target="_blank">](http://library.linode.com/networking/op … 0.04-lucid">http://library.linode.com/networking/openvpn/ubuntu-10.04-lucid](

to setup my vpn. I ran all the commands on my linode with root access, copied relavent files to my client and setup tunnelblick. When I use tunnelblick it's successful in connecting to the vpn.

After that, i can ping my linode ip and but nothing else else seems to work. I can't ping http://www.google.com for example and i can't browse any websites.

Where can I look to start trouble shooting what's going on? I made sure to do the iptables part of the openvpn setup as well as installing dnsmasq. But I still can't browse any websites.

I have had no issue while connecting or browsing websites using PureVPN on MAC OSX.

You can configure directly using this guide https://support.purevpn.com/mac-setup-guide

which vpn are you using?


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