mysql and basic system health "Do only what Matters&quo

I have a pretty stable LAMP install that I built from scratch here on Linode, and it's working for the most part 99.9% of the time. I'm not a linux expert by any means. However, what are some easy simple things to keep it running at peak performance. I have 26 virtual domains, and get around 1000 hits a day.

I know yum update for system updates..

what about mysql ?

I found this but it says, "Do Only What Matters" so is "OPTIMIZE TABLE" not something that should be ran monthly?


2 Replies

Run this script and follow its advice:

That, and switching to InnoDB if possible, are probably the only things that actually matter in a small MySQL installation.


Run this script and follow its advice:

That, and switching to InnoDB if possible, are probably the only things that actually matter in a small MySQL installation.

Yes great thank you.


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