Referral program

Has anyone ever mentionned that a referral program would be nice to have? Lots of people that I know are into IRC bots and having vanity host on IRC and I'm sure they pay close to what I pay for a server for their shells to run maybe 6 bots or so. If you'd be interested, please show support by replying to this post. Maybe Chris will consider it if enough of us answers :)

4 Replies

This has been discussed in #linode on

I think Chris (caker) is certainly for it. It's simply a matter of deciding what form it should take. I reccomend people post suggestions in this thread.


This has been discussed in #linode on

I think Chris (caker) is certainly for it. It's simply a matter of deciding what form it should take. I reccomend people post suggestions in this thread.
For every three referrals you get a token. You can use this token at the end of the episode to keep from being voted off of the server by the other linodes.


For every three referrals you get a token. You can use this token at the end of the episode to keep from being voted off of the server by the other linodes.

Sounds good to me, as long as it is retro-active ;)


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