dovecot not starting properly

Hi all,

I just tried following the linode library article on running a mail server using postfix and dovecot. I am running ubuntu 11.10. However, there's a few problems. After putting in the dovecot configuration by copying and pasting the lines from the article (only changing the password), dovecot gets killed every time it tries to start (or so it seems). Every time I tried service dovecot restart, it says:

restart: Unknown instance:

In the log I saw only one time that it said something about terminated with signal 15.

Hope someone can help.



3 Replies

Which guide did you use? The most recent one is for Ubuntu 10.10, which probably won't work out-of-the-box with Ubuntu 11.10. Try installing Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and use the guide for that.


I probably would try that, but I have made several installations and configurations on this machine, and I really don't want to start all over again. Any way you think I could get it to work?



Working through this myself, Ubuntu 11.10 uses dovecot 2.0 which has a bit different configuration.

See wiki for 2.0


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