Seeing spikes in IPv6 traffic every 2 hours

Disclaimer: I'm new to Linode and Linux, but am trying to run a Minecraft server for my son. I've managed to get one up and running thanks to a great StackScript I found by 'jsmith'.

I've begun adding some other functionality like MySQL and Apache 2 to the linode, but have now started seeing spikes in IPv6 traffic that occurs every two hours. I've place an image here:

~~[" target="_blank">]( … d-redmaven">](

Is this anything I need to try to fix or stop?

Thanks in advance for any insight. I did try to search the forums but came up empty.


3 Replies

That is IPv6 local LAN chatter and is not counted against your monthly transfer. You can ignore it.


Not sure what might have changed recently, but personally I'd just ignore that. Notice the scale - you're talking less than 100 bits/s, so it just looks like a "spike" since the overall scale of the graph is so low. If you generated even one or two regular IPv6 connections, I suspect that entire graph would turn into a flat line near 0 :-)

If you've recently enabled IPv6 on that host you might just be seeing the result of occasional router announcements or some such. If you wanted you could trace the traffic (e.g., leave a tcpdump running on your internal interface) to deduce the exact packet, but if it were me I probably wouldn't bother for any operational reason - just if I were purely satisfying my curiosity.

(For what it's worth the Priv In on one of my nodes pretty much has the same pattern)

– David

Great answers. Thank you both.



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