Disk I/O test
free -m
df -h
dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
~5 MB/s
15 minutes later…
~7 MB/s
(Linode 512 @ UK)
7 Replies
The Webhostingtalk crowd loves to compare these meaningless numbers, which makes some VPS hosts modify their settings to look good on specific versions of the "dd" test. I've seen numbers upwards of 200MB/s on OpenVZ hosts. Many of those hosts still suck at actual database performance.
I don't know what the usual "dd" numbers for a Linode 512 are (and I'm not going to hammer the disk with an empty 1GB file just for the sake of finding out), but what really matters is how your application is performing. Do your web pages load quickly? Do your database queries finish quickly?
… and I'm not going to hammer the disk with an empty 1GB file just for the sake of finding out…
I will, then:D (on a 768 – it's the nearest I've got to a 512) -- 107 MB/s, so the OPs numbers do seem low.
107 MB/s, so the OPs numbers do seem low.
Quite possible, if the OP is on a newly deployed Linode that shares the host with 39 other newly deployed Linodes, all frantically apt-getting their LAMP stacks. Even when that happens, disk performance is generally OK.
But even your number is going to look low to someone who is used to seeing 200MB/s+ on OpenVZ hosts specifically designed for dd tests. And those hosts use consumer-grade 7200rpm disks.
I know you couldn't care less (just a cheap 512…), but we are cancelling our account at linode this month (if you don't fix this).
Linode techs: please check this
If you really want them to check this out, your best bet is toinstead of hoping that they spot this thread on the forums. submit a support ticket
Linode techs: please check this, ~5MB/s (avg, different days) is unacceptable.
I know you couldn't care less (just a cheap 512…), but we are cancelling our account at linode this month (if you don't fix this).
They do care about Linode 512s just as much as the $800/mo plans. Your best bet is to open a support ticket, I'm sure they'll look into it for you.
My 512 gets a very respectable 95MB/s with the dd line you pasted.
Linode techs: please check this, ~5MB/s (avg, different days) is unacceptable.
I know you couldn't care less (just a cheap 512…), but we are cancelling our account at linode this month (if you don't fix this).
Did you contact support and file a ticket? Linode has the best support, fastest response time, nicest and smartest people of any host I was ever with and that's several.