Upgrading from a Linode to another

I was wondering,

if I'd decide to upgrade from a Linode64 to a Linod128, do I get to retain my images and keep working with my current settings or will I have to re-deploy/install everything?

2 Replies

Everything moves with you (disk images, configs, ips) if you are moving hosts within the same datacenter. Otherwise, your IP(s) will change. When you make your upgrade request, I'll give you the options depending on availability at that time.

The migration process, once setup, allows you to initiate the migration when you're ready, since your Linode will be shutdown during the move.


I have been waiting on an upgrade for some time now (I'm on host30). What are some of the reasons why an upgrade does not go ahead so quickly, apart from availability?

  • Chris Murphy


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