How do you add users accounts in rh8 without giving out root

How do you add users accounts in rh8 without giving out root in shell

9 Replies

adduser passwd You should check out this site:

Section 3) Basics has good explanations for this stuff.


I use linux all the time for about a year, just not sure if I am breaking any rules or breaking my image. Thanks Linode is just awsome, I am little nervous don't want to break anything

Cool :)

Try anything and everything, and if it doesn't pan out, you can delete your images and re-deploy a fresh install.

Go for it!



I use linux all the time for about a year, just not sure if I am breaking any rules or breaking my image. Thanks Linode is just awsome, I am little nervous don't want to break anything

You might want to try out [Webmin] It's a simple web-based interface which lets you perform several operations/configuration on your system, and you may even let other users adminster certain parts of your server without giving them root access.


Acid-Duck@IRC (On EFNet join #linode)

ducky AT thermofart DOT homeunix DOT net

webaccess yaaaaaaaaaaaaa

You might want to google for "sudo adduser". Be sure of what you are doing, for sudo is an easy of getting rooted :^)

Sunny Dubey

Outstanding support problem fixed Thanks!


You might want to google for "sudo adduser". Be sure of what you are doing, for sudo is an easy of getting rooted :^)

Sunny Dubey

how to you mean?

Obviously it's a bad idea to give everyone sudo * root, but

is sudo insecure in other ways?



Obviously it's a bad idea to give everyone sudo * root, butis sudo insecure in other ways?


sudo is easy to setup incorrectly. read the sudo faq if you need to use sudo for some reason.



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