Sizing a linode


I've got a website currently on shared hosting that I would like to move to linode.

It's a custom build on apache using moderate amounts of php and mysql read/writes.

We only have about 500 unique visitors a day and don't have so much budget so I'm considering the basic Linode 512.

However 512MB RAM sounds very small. Will 512MB run a LAMP stack without too many issues?


5 Replies


It should be okay.

How much traffic are you expecting?




It should be okay.

How much traffic are you expecting?


We get about 2500 page views a day of average text/pictures type web traffic. For traffic size I have no idea. How can I calculate this? My current hosting service does not show my network usage/bandwidth (it's a flat rate service)

I'm using the free version of the Litespeed webserver on a Linode and it is running great. It uses a lot less resources than Apache on average and is a drop-in replacement in most cases. Might be worth checking out.


Will 512MB run a LAMP stack without too many issues?
It will if you tune your Apache and MySQL configs appropriately. The default settings in a lot of distros assume you have > 1GiB of RAM. Check the Linode Library (e.g. Apache 2 Low-Memory Settings) or search these forums for advice on how to do this.

> I've got a website currently on shared hosting

If your website is running on shared hosting, then it will run miles ahead on a VPS without much effort.

> However 512MB RAM sounds very small.

A lean and mean Linux can happily run on 512MB of RAM with Apache, MySQL, PHP, etc. Just keep your Apache MaxClients low (around 10) and you shouldn't need to change much else.

A LAMP stack with 512MB of RAM can happily serve 10,000 pages/day if running a moderate Drupal/Wordpress website with sensible configurations.


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