Any Drupal 7 stackscripts that are working?


All the Drupal stackscripts seem to be deprecated or no longer working. Anyone know of any that are still working?



5 Replies

Nope but drupal's pretty easy to install manually if you just pick a LAMP/LEMP script you like then if you get stuck ask here telling us which script you used and we can point you in the right direction.

Thanks for that.

Can anyone recommend a good base LAMP / LEMP stacksript as a starting point for a Druapl 7 install?

There seem to be a number out there. I'm a bit of a noob here. I've been developing my site on my home PC using WAMP and I don't really know which to go for. I've heard good things about Varnish, but beyond that, I'm a little lost.



This one's mine … iptID=2471"> I suggest the following settings:

install mysql = yes

mysql password = up to you, make it something hard to crack but that you can remember

install nginx from ppa = yes

ssh port = whatever you like, you can leave it at 22

user = whatever you like, this is who you'll log in as

user password = see mysql password

user ssh key = optional but recommended see … ws-systems"> on how to generate one, you need to put the public key in that box

root email = your email

hostname = if your server is then is a fair idea

Use ec2 kernel = no

which webserver = nginx

You can view the progress of the installation using LISH see here … node-shell">

Once it's installed, reboot then run the following commands

sudo mkdir -p /var/www/
tar -xf drupal-7.10.tar.gz
sudo mv drupal-7.10 /var/www/drupal

The sudo commands will ask for the user password you set at installation.

Then run sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/drupal and put the contents of the following link in that file changing to your domain press ctrl+x then y to save it, run service nginx reload to restart nginx

You'll then be able to access the drupal installation from your domain (assuming you've set up your DNS records see here … de-manager">

Note you'll have to create a database and user for drupal using whatever your favourite mysql client is.

oh wow! awesome - thanks so much for this :D :D

Gonna give this a try from home this evening.



When I need a PHP-based web server, I usually go with the "official" Linode stackscript. It works.


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