Linode Professional Services (trials)

Linode Staff

Linode Professional Services (trials)

We've been busy researching and planning our 'Managed Service' offering, and it has become clear we've gone as far as we can on intuition, educated guesses, and wishful thinking alone. It's time to go forth and ADMIN! - to actually do some work, get our hands dirty, to be exposed to the types of requests that may be asked of us and how best to handle them. To test the procedures we've put into place, and document and learn from the outcomes.

Help us, by letting us help you

We'd like to do some work for you, at no cost. This could be anything - stack deployment, initial configuration, services tuning, website migration, capacity planning, you name it. Find a real need or think up something interesting and submit it as a request. We have system architects and administrators ready to go. Hit us with your best shot!

We'll be accepting requests through the end of January. Please open a support ticket with a description of your request.

How it works

During this trial we won't be taking on everyone's request. We will let you know as soon as possible if your request has been accepted, and will coordinate with you on the timeline for the work. Once we do the work we hand the reigns back over to you. After that, you're on your own.

We will be treating this as if it's the real deal: providing estimates, getting your approval, and accounting for the time spent as if we were actually billing for the time. It would be most helpful if you could play along.

We appreciate your participation and look forward to your requests!


14 Replies

Chris, you guys are awesome. I love the way you do business.

I'm going to try to think of something i pushed away because i was too lazy. :)

I can think of plenty of things I've pushed away because I was too lazy, but only some of them have anything to do with Linode :lol:

I like how this sounds. Can't help but love you guys!

Just a friendly reminder that we're still taking on requests for work.



I could use your help right now. Have had a huge CPU increase which has been steady since January 6th. The reason for the increase in CPU is unknown however I know it's not a traffic issue since my traffic is way down from January to August, I'm in a season niche.

I've been working on this since the 6th, tweaking this and tweaking that. Disabling this, disabling that, and nothing helps at all. CPU spikes are impacting performance of websites.

I know Apache is what is eating CPU but it shouldn't be, like I said my high traffic season just ended and all my stats show traffic is way down, especially for the monster site that draws 500,000 views per month during season.

I have a linode 2048

How do we get started?

I'm sure we could help you out. Per the original post, please open a support ticket.



done and thank you

I asked for this type of service when I first joined. So glad you're considering it, I think you'll do well with it and the VPS's will run better because of it, helping your VM infastructure as a whole

Any chance you would consider installing FreeBSD 9 on a Linode?


Any chance you would consider installing FreeBSD 9 on a Linode?
Nope - but thanks for asking!


Are tickets still being accepted? I'm currently thinking of migrating an SVN/Git/ChilliProject(redmine) VM on to Linode.


Are tickets still being accepted? I'm currently thinking of migrating an SVN/Git/ChilliProject(redmine) VM on to Linode.
I don't think they're doing it for free now. Best way to find out would be to open a ticket and ask.



Are tickets still being accepted? I'm currently thinking of migrating an SVN/Git/ChilliProject(redmine) VM on to Linode.
I don't think they're doing it for free now. Best way to find out would be to open a ticket and ask.

That would work too. Thought I'd ask here since Chris mentioned on the 31st that they were still taking requests, and other people browsing would know if they were :-)

Just curious, what's the status of this service? I assume you guys are still doing some development work for free to test out this idea.

Any idea on when you may roll this out for real to your customers? Thanks!

I would like to see the pricing on these services.

I know nothing about installing a LAMP server and forum script installation, I need a help with the installation.

But I can't find the pricing for once.

Aw, I thought this was a new trial, but it's just a resurrected 4-year old post :(


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