Migrating Centos 5 to Centos 6

Any pointers on best way to migrate my Linode 5.7 to 6.2.

I'm am planning on a multi-site Drupal 7 install which prefers php5.3.

I know that 5 still has a couple years for EOS but I might as well get started using the newer code base.

I currently host an active Apache server and Dovecot and Postfix. I can't afford much downtime on the email side.

Can the upgrade be done in place? Or should I start a new linode with the newer Centos distro and reinstall every thing and then copy all the datafiles across?

I currently run my own business from the server so I am the only one that suffers from the downtime.


2 Replies

There's no upgrade path from 5 to 6, you have to build a new server and migrate your stuff, however if you have two linodes in the same DC you can swap their IPs which makes migration a whole lot easier since there's no need to wait for DNS to sort itself out.

I've seen a few blog posts out here on how to do the upgrade from CentOS 5 -> 6, but I wouldn't recommend it. If you don't like the idea of downtime and grief, I suggest you do an orderly upgrade/migration.


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