SFTP Jails Not Working Correctly Under Ubuntu 10.04

I am trying to create a filetransfer group with several users under it, and successfully do so. However, whenever I enable

Match group filetransfer
       ChrootDirectory %h
       X11Forwarding no
       AllowTcpForwarding yes
       ForceCommand internal-sftp

and try to connect with FileZilla, it spits out this error:

> Error: Connection reset by peer

Error: Could not connect to server

Is there any reason that it should block me, or is it a problem with FileZilla?

4 Replies

Run the daemon in debug mode, possibly on a different port, and then try to ssh as a test user on that port.

/usr/sbin/sshd -ddd -p 2222

And then in another window

ssh testuser@localhost -p 2222

You should see the reason for the error

PS: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/590 might help

Are you folder/file permissions correct? Can you provide the output of the following commands:

ls -lA /home

ls -lA /home/ -Tim

Thanks sweh, I ran it in debug mode and my permissions were screwed up. :D


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