"Deploy Linux Distribution" Link

In the dashboard just under the table of configuration profiles. There's a link/button that says "deploy linux distribution". My question may seem a little odd but…what exactly does it do?

I'm on the lowest plan so have 20GB of space and 200GB of bandwidth, I already have a linode running and whatnot so why do I have this button?

Can I create more than one linode at a time with any spare disk space? Can i run both at once? I guess this is what the "create new configuration profile" is for though (holding multiple un-deployed configurations)

Or will this overwrite my current linode? If that's the case then it ought to be labelled more clearly.

If it wasn't a live server I had running I would have pressed this button long ago just to see what it did, but I don't want it wiping my server just to fill my curiosity :p


2 Replies


Can I create more than one linode at a time with any spare disk space?
Yes. [Edit: No, not more than one "linode" at a time, but more than one distro.]


Can i run both at once?


I guess this is what the "create new configuration profile" is for though (holding multiple un-deployed configurations)
You can deploy multiple Linux distributions (or multiple copies of the same distrobution) provided that you have enough disk space. You can also have multiple configuration profiles that cut across any subset of your disk images, with various boot options, such as mounting the disk image of another distribution as your second disk, or booting into single user mode (useful for troubleshooting).


Or will this overwrite my current linode? If that's the case then it ought to be labelled more clearly.
I don't think it will, because you can have more than one Linux distribution on the same Linode. But I'm not in the mood to test it on a live server!


thanks man, that helps a lot.

So the configuration profiles are per "distribution" and I can have as many "distributions" as I have space.

That's a nice system just needs the buttons moving around to make it clearer :p

Not that i think i'll ever have use for a spare distro sat around that I can't run at the same time. Unless you can share them between linodes?

Set one up on a secondary linode running at the same time.

Then replace your distro on the primary linode with the newly developed from the second linode.

Anyway, thanks for that.


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