IRC Support - #Linode@EFNET

I've talked about this before, replying to a previous thread, but I thought I'd mention it here so everyone can see it. I'm an IRC addict, and of course when I bought my Linode the first thing I did was join #linode. No one was there, so I thought I'd put the suggestion.. I'm on IRC every day, and although I don't consider myself an expert I'd be more then happy to try to help out people who are having trouble or have any questions regarding their linodes. Heck, it might even be a pre-sale help channel ;p One thing must be taken note here, I'm sure as most of you realize, this is not and will not become an official channel for support (unless Chris would want otherwise for some reason :P) but I think it's good we'd all have a common place to hang. IRC is definately better then a message board to get some help since it's a live chat, although I must admit I was very impressed with the little time it took me to have answers to my first question or two on this message board. As for the IRC servers, here's a list of my favorite:

Once again, it's in #linode. Hope to see your all there!


4 Replies

There is already a #linode on the OFTC network with linode staff in it.


I wouldn't be found on efnet if my life depended on it ;)

Interesting to note, a hub for oftc is running on a linode.

I'm all for a linode IRC channel (all be it an unofficial one), it's just a shame there will always be squabbles about the network it's on!

I guess it all depends on the network you're usually on. Personally if I can find help without having to connect to another network I usually prefer that. Plus it wouldn't be hard linking the two channels together with eggdrops.


I guess my preference would be since I'm usually in the #uml channel anyhow.



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