Requesting help with Hostname + LAMP + Webmin installation

Hi I'm having some installation problems with my linode. The distribution I am using is Ubuntu 10.04.

Also, I have no previous knowledge about any of this and I am trying to learn as I go.

I followed the "getting started" guide.

As instructed, I created a hostname and made the neccesary changes.

Set up the DNS. I set the nameservers to linodes' i.e., etc.

I created an A record for

Installed the LAMP stack.

Installed Webmin.

When I type as the url, I get a page with the file directory. The "Index of/" page and there are no files.

When I type I get the apache2 "It works page".

Webmin is accessed through

From my undersanding, the "" is a FQDN. However I want my website to be simply "". How would I go about doing this?

Also, when I access things through ftp or webmin's file manager I was expecting a /public_html folder where the website files would go, but I cannot find it.

I hope that was clear.

2 Replies

It looks like you need to revisit the webmin installation guide.

As far as I can tell you've installed the LAMP environment just fine.

To confirm, try uploading something to the /public_html

I'm almost 100% sure that you'll see whatever it is, you've uploaded.

As a short term measure, you could create a symbolic link to your webmin.

But don't forget to secure, access to that directory.

Why did you create an A record for initially? It sounds like you need an A record for, right?


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