New kid on the block

Hi all,

I've just signed up as I've outgrown my current Cpanel shared hosting account (site was featured in FHM & went mad!). I was wondering if anyone had any tips on the easiest way to get all set up and running in as short a space of time as posible.

Things like installing, where to point DNS, security considerations etc. I've used Debain & AIX before so I should in theory know my way round!

What install would be the best to go with? I like Deb but if Redhat's got everything pre-configured then I may be tempted to opt for the time saving path!

Do accounts get set up on weekends?



4 Replies


Many of the distros are ready to go, debian can be made ready to go within about an hour, if you use apt-get to install everything and get things configured quickly.

If you use the linode DNS servers, all you will need is apache, the scripting languages used, maybe a database server and a mail server if nessecary, or sendmail my surfice if you are only using form to mail.



Do accounts get set up on weekends?
You're all set – welcome to the neighborhood!




Am I right in thinking that if Apache is set up I can use the following DNS servers to resolve my site..



If you don't want to run your own nameservers, you can use either your domain name registrar's managed DNS servers, OR use – they have free DNS hosting for up to five domains.



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