Munin PostgreSQL configuration

Happy 2012 everyone!

Sober yet? Good. I need help setting up Munin plugins for PostgreSQL (on a CentOS 6 machine). I've symlinked a few of them into /etc/munin/plugins/ but I have no idea how to configure them via /etc/munin/plugins-conf.d/, I mean I don't know what I have to put in the config file.

What I want to do is monitor all the databases I have on the server, and then later I'll decide what to take out, what I really don't need monitored. So I've symlinked the plugins with _ALL suffix, but that's about it.

Google search returns several variants with different plugin names, different config entries etc… Currently I have in /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/postgres which I added manually:

user postgres
env.PGUSER postgres

Which effectively results with the following in the munin-node.log:

2012/01/01-13:30:08 [12878] Service 'postgres_cache_ALL' exited with status 1/0.
2012/01/01-13:30:08 [12878] Service 'postgres_cache_ALL' exited with status 1/0.
2012/01/01-13:30:08 [12878] Service 'postgres_scans_ALL' exited with status 1/0.
2012/01/01-13:30:09 [12878] Service 'postgres_scans_ALL' exited with status 1/0.
2012/01/01-13:30:09 [12878] Service 'postgres_transactions_ALL' exited with status 1/0.
2012/01/01-13:30:09 [12878] Service 'postgres_transactions_ALL' exited with status 1/0.

Do I need to list each and every database and use env. to supply the database user (and password if connecting through localhost instead of unix socket)?

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