Reverse DNS

I've noticed the small form used to lookup a hostname, the one that lets you set a reverse DNS. However, my question is where are the files that it modifies in order to set the reverse of those IPs to something else? I've looked for them I thought maybe a find / -name named would lead me to the way, I found of course /var/named but nothing in there. Also, how long does it take for the change in the reverse DNS of an IP? I just changed my IPs so they reverse to another hostname


7 Replies

Those changes aren't inside your linode. They are set at the DNS server that is responsible for your IP address. I think he noted the times, something like every 6 hours for ThePlanet and HE he was going to setup something to tell the DNS server there was a change. I think that's it anyway

Reverse DNS has been setup this morning around 3am.. the appropriate A names have been setup also.. but my ips still resolve to

Is this normal? How long does it take, even the query to the nameserver for doesn't answer with the proper info.


So I guess the fact that Planet NS had troubles doesn't help my situation.. but should I reboot my server now that everything came back to normal just to have those IPs reversing? I did configure it in the reverse DNS section of my server. Still no luck


The problems with ThePlanet's DNS servers only lasted a few hours, so that's no longer an issue.

Try asking (like you did). If it has your entry but ThePlanet/HE doesn't, then you're waiting for them to sync with our zones…

Most of the time when dealing with DNS changes it's just a waiting game -- they don't take effect instantaneously, that's just how it is. Even though the changes are made on our end, they still need to propagate to ThePlanet (or HE), and even then, your ISP might be caching queries for a few hours.

Side note: Also, for those that have been asking for Linode support in the #uml channel, please don't. It's not a good idea -- that's not my channel for one thing, I'm likely to not even be in there, and other providers hang out there and everyone is cool; I'd like to keep it that way :-)



perhaps we should have a linode irc channel as well :D

/me joins…

I agree with that. I'm often on IRC and it's an efficient way of communicating. Personally, I hang on EFNET. It gives a sense of live help as opposed to message boards (although I must admit, I've been very pleased with the speedy responses from the forum.) Here's a couple of servers:

I'll be in #linode :P



and I'll be in #linode on


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