Apache Requests Queue clarification

Hi everybody,

according to the Apache MaxClients directive connection attempts over the MaxClients limit will normally be queued, up to a number based on the ListenBacklog directive.

How could I monitor the size of this queue?

thank you :roll:

4 Replies

I'm guessing they would show in 'netstat -nt' as being in state SYN_RECV.

> I'm guessing they would show in 'netstat -nt' as being in state SYN_RECV

Perfect, thus decreasing the maximum number of Apache clients I should see the queue growing, right?

You will probably see the number of ESTABLISHED sockets approach MaxClients (+/- a few), then the number of SYN_RECV will creep up from there. You'll also get a notice in Apache's error log when it hits MaxClients.

And when it happens because someone didn't use CDN URLs in a newsletter, :shock:

thank you for your clarifications, they were really helpful


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