Server is not holding up...

I run a vbulletin forum with around 900 members and around 1000 posts a day… I'm not really sure if my forum is a resource hog but I'm currently on plan Linode 64 and it's not holding up. I'm not sure If I didn't configure mysql and apache right but like 3 or 4 times a day my server load goes through the roof and everything halts :( I can't even login to my shell account…

Perhaps somebody can guide me or give me some mysql optimization tips? Perhaps the people from linode can tell me what is wrong exactly? cause it only happens like 3 or 4 times, the rest of the day the server load averages 0.5 :?:

8 Replies

Hi, you probally don't have enough ram.

A few optimization tips:

Use mysql 4 with the query cache

Use apache's mod_throttle to stop bad spiders/people who try to download the whole site.

Use phpbb's template caching ( in version 2.0.6 there is a contrib directory with 2 replacements for templating )

It sounds to me like when you get lots of users on the site at once, you start swap storming .. you want to avoid anything that thrashes swap. Without knowing your specifics, check the mysql server params page:

Also, make sure your Apache doesn't let a huge number of children spawn when the server gets loaded.



There should be in the conf directory for my sql a high performance conf file, it may be worth while giving that a try.


Easy job just use mod_gzip and there are more methods from the link below: … adid=17943">

modgzip might hurt more then help. It certainly sounds like bandwidth isn't the problem, it's cpu and/or memory. modgzip, though lessening bandwidth usage, will increase cpu and memory as the pages have to be compressed to be sent out to the user.

Yes, bandwidth is not the problem… it's cpu and memory :( I configured mysql a while ago and noticed a huge improvment, I hope it stays this way :) I also upgraded to Linode 128 just in case… :)

I have heard that (popular) message boards are CPU hogs. I am not sure how big one would be before you have to throw more CPU and Memory at it. I have a small message board on my Linode 128 that does about 30 messages a day with < 50 users. It does just fine.


I have heard that (popular) message boards are CPU hogs. I am not sure how big one would be before you have to throw more CPU and Memory at it. I have a small message board on my Linode 128 that does about 30 messages a day with < 50 users. It does just fine.

:( I get around 1000 new posts a day :( My board has 900 members… I hope Linode 128 holds up then :? :? :?


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