How do I install gd and freetype?


I'm new here but I was able to finally install wordpress on my linode!

I run a ubuntu 10.4 with the lamp stack script.

I need to install gd and freetype library, and I don't know how to do it.

I found this tutorial: … -and-easy/">

But putty doesn't recognize the "yum" command.

Can you help me?


3 Replies

The "yum" program is mainly used on Red Hat, Fedora and CentOS systems, although an implementation of it is also available for Debian and Ubuntu. To install yum for Ubuntu, use the command apt-get install yum.

On the other hand, the php5-gd package in Ubuntu and Debian should include support (via dependencies) for Freetype as well. In that case, use apt-get install php5-gd to install Freetype and GD libraries (along with support for them in PHP5) in a single action.

Many thanks! apt-get install php5-gd (and then apache reload) worked ;)

By the way, where do you find all these commands?


This commands are pretty common and everyone that worked with linux at some time knows them.

As a quick tip on how to find them via google, try to always use your distro (aka CentOs, Ubuntu, Fedora, RedHat, Debian etc) in the search. So in your case (you use a debian based distro) I think it's Ubuntu, so you should try something like "how to install gd and freetype on Ubuntu".

The web is full of resources you just have to know where to look :P


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