How many Linode referrals do you have?

You have 19 total referrals: 15 completed ($300.00) and 2 pending

12 Replies

Linode Staff


You have 31 total referrals: 22 completed ($440.00) and 2 pending


You have 0 total referrals: 0 completed ($0.00) and 0 pending.

I need to get out more… :|


You have 3 total referrals: 2 completed ($40.00) and 1 pending

You have 1 total referrals: 1 completed ($20.00) and 0 pending

How come the numbers don't add up?

I've got two accounts (personal, business) with referrals:

You have 2 total referrals: 2 completed ($40.00) and 0 pending

You have 1 total referrals: 1 completed ($20.00) and 0 pending

You have 14 total referrals: 10 completed ($200.00) and 3 pending


How come the numbers don't add up?
They canceled before the 90 days it takes to be 'completed' finished?

You have 10 total referrals: 9 completed ($180.00) and 0 pending

I totally need to shorten my referral URL and start tagging public restroom walls with it. Something like this:

Just get a bunch of QR codes printed on sticky labels. People will scan random QR codes just to see what it is :-)


You have 31 total referrals: 22 completed ($440.00) and 2 pending
Is that how executive bonuses work in Linode, LLC?

Wall Street sure has a lot to learn.

You have 24 total referrals: 21 completed ($420.00) and 1 pending

At what point do I just get my little 512 Linode Comped as a freebie for the business I have driven over here!?!?

where i can see my referral code ?


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