Help with domains

I am a bit of a noob when it comes to this type of things. I have a Minecraft server hosted with another host I want to know if I could add something in my Linodes DNS manager so that when I go to it takes me to my offsite minecraft box. Is this even possible? Thanks in advance.

2 Replies


I am a bit of a noob when it comes to this type of things. I have a Minecraft server hosted with another host I want to know if I could add something in my Linodes DNS manager so that when I go to it takes me to my offsite minecraft box. Is this even possible? Thanks in advance.

Absolutely, just put the offsite server's IP in with that DNS name in an A record.



I am a bit of a noob when it comes to this type of things. I have a Minecraft server hosted with another host I want to know if I could add something in my Linodes DNS manager so that when I go to it takes me to my offsite minecraft box. Is this even possible? Thanks in advance.

Absolutely, just put the offsite server's IP in with that DNS name in an A record.

Thanks glg That did the trick. :)


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