Automatically Create Subdomains

Hey All,

Is there some API or interface for me to automatically create subdomains using a script?

I've got creating virtual host records and restarting apache, but need to create DNS records. I think that's all that's left to make it happen. Any suggestions?



4 Replies


Hey All,

Is there some API or interface for me to automatically create subdomains using a script?

I've got creating virtual host records and restarting apache, but need to create DNS records. I think that's all that's left to make it happen. Any suggestions?



If you are using the Linode DNS service:

If you are using some other DNS solution you'll probably want to send dynamic updates, is an example of a good starting point for doing that in scripts.

If you only have a few subdomains and they don't change a lot, just create them manually.

If you have a lot, you could use the API as @hawk7000 suggested. Even simpler, you could just create a wildcard DNS record pointing to your server and forget about it.

Thanks for the help guys. I ended up using CURL like this since the php bindings were too complicated to figure out given the meager instructions:

$ch = curl_init(my_linode_url_with_get_params);

Worked like a charm, and super easy. Thanks!

good day,

can you tell how did you manage to add subdomains using linode? a php scripts.

Thanks a lot.


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