Copy/run linode image to my local PC

Hi, I would like to have a development setup of my production Linode, however I can't afford to purchase another Linode yet. Is it possible to have a copy of my production Linode CentOS image and run it on my local PC to make it my development setup? If yes, is it possible to update the production Linode CentOS image with the development Linode CetOS image from my local PC? Thank you.

3 Replies

It's possible, but it is quite difficult to get it working due to architectural differences in the boot process. Search the forum for "virtualbox"… I've posted some stuff on this in the past.

Your best bet is to use something like puppet or chef to manage your configurations, which can then be applied to any number of installations without copying images around.

Alternatively, if you are not bothered by the boot process, the kernel, etc, you can simply chroot to a local copy of your linode.

I'll take a look on your suggestions. Thank you for the support.


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