CentOS 6.1 released - how can I take advantage?
Of course, today CentOS announced immediate availability of Cent OS 6.1.
I have a similar CentOS 6 install on a VM on my MacBook Air I'm using as a test/dev server, so, I'd make the changes there first, and could roll anything back, but, how can I update my installs to take advantage of the new 6.1 packages?
I figure this is a great time to do it, since I have not really started developing up the new site, so, if we were going to trash the system, this would seem to the be the time to do it, lol. The only thing at risk right now is my configuration, which I could redo in a few hours, and my old site is still up for a couple of weeks if I had to point the DNS back at it. So, let's do this!
Are Linode backups free or do they cost money? My site is small and I'm a video/multimedia/web guy, so, I would be (and have been) fine on a $6 shared host really, but this Linode thing really feeds my inner geek.
EDIT: I'm guessing this could be it?
But is this the way to do it?
3 Replies
RHEL and therefore CentOS (and SL) point releases are repo snapshots in time, meaning there are no 6.0 only updates, all updates are now for 6.1, and previously there were none (so we had to use the cr repo which was basically unofficial, not quite 100% tested 6.1 repo before its own release).
You were right.
yum update has nothing for my Linode (which was what was causing my confusion), but my local VM produced 138 package updates without resorting to the CR repository. The boot screen (which I can see in my local VM) updated from CentOS 6 to CentOS 6.1.
Both machines report php 5.3.3, up from 5.3.2 on my dev machine.
Awesome that was easy. Was hoping to see a newer nginx in there, but alas.
CentOS release 6.1 (Final)
A great day just gets better.