Deploying two VMs on one linode

Suppose I install two VMs on one Linode. How do I set up the IP address for the second one or access it?

I want to separate my webserver and database server from being on the same system.

Another thing I want to do is have two different web servers on different VMs.


4 Replies


Suppose I install two VMs on one Linode. How do I set up the IP address for the second one or access it?

I want to separate my webserver and database server from being on the same system.

Another thing I want to do is have two different web servers on different VMs.


You can't run two OS installs on a single linode at once.

You can create seperate disk partitions on the same linode and have either of them booted at once, but not both.

If you want to separate your webserver and DB server, you'll need to buy two linodes.

Well, technically, you could run as many virtual machines as you want inside your virtual machine by mixing two different virtualization technologies, e.g. OpenVZ on top of Xen. But that's hardcore stuff.

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