VHCS Question

Hi all i ordered VPS off linode the other day must say good service so far :). ATM i have CPanel/WHM installed on trail. I was looking at installing VHCS, with everything up to date if possible.. As im running irc i was wondering does VHCS allow SSH access for users on it, Or any other control panel that i could use.


4 Replies

Yes, that is fine. As far as I know no "hosting" control panel has any of those restrictions.

Also, do read your message one or twice before hitting the submit button :). Your grammar leaves much to be desired …


Also, do read your message one or twice before hitting the submit button :). Your grammar leaves much to be desired …

Errr ever wondered if English isn't his first language? Sheesh.

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Erm FYI im dyslexic, and from the UK.

Could be worse, you could be lexdysic and from the KU.

But don't sweat it, I don't know of any real techie that pay attention to the grammar nazi's.

I've lived in the States now for over 20 years and still don't get their funky ass language correct 100% of the time.


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