
I have registered in the service and 1day ago they

passed the invoice to the account, and so single I have received the mail

that certifica the discharge. The LOGIN IN

DOES NOT WORK request to ME send login to me, a greeting.

i send mails but Without response…. :?:

Plis help me :)

5 Replies

I don't think Chris was around yesterday for whatever reason as another support request I know of wasn't answered either.

I'm sure he'll sort it out today :)


I have registered in the service and 1day ago they

passed the invoice to the account, and so single I have received the mail

that certifica the discharge. The LOGIN IN

DOES NOT WORK request to ME send login to me, a greeting.

i send mails but Without response…. :?:

Plis help me :)

I'm in the exact same situation… :(

Three days without any answer…..

Same here… I signed up saturday night and still now answer or anything… :x

> All accounts are activated within hours.

They should really change that to days. :evil:


You guys are all set.

Thanks and welcome to!



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