French domain soa record for AFNIC


Does anyone host a .fr domain on linode using linode name servers? I've set this up but I get an error message from the registrart - telling me to check with AFNIC's zonecheck. This then tells me that there is no SOA record for the server:

As a result, I can't transfer the DNS for the to the linode name servers. Any help very gratefully appreciated. Merci beaucoup!


8 Replies



Does anyone host a .fr domain on linode using linode name servers? I've set this up but I get an error message from the registrart - telling me to check with AFNIC's zonecheck. This then tells me that there is no SOA record for the server:

As a result, I can't transfer the DNS for the to the linode name servers. Any help very gratefully appreciated. Merci beaucoup!


Have you followed the steps in … de-manager"> ?

Thanks for the reply hawk. I have followed those steps and have other domains that have been working fine on Linode for a couple of years now. These include .de and domains but this is my first attempt at .fr. I've re-checked everything and relaunched the transfer process on the registrar's website so wait and see.


Is it an IPv6 issue? Did you enter the IPv6 address or was it resolved that way? Try using the IPv4 address for My understanding is a bit limited but my registrar doesn't currently support IPv6 addresses.

Thanks for the reply. Seems likely that the error was a trivial mistake on my part. The client had registered the domain name using his own email address. So of course it could not be authorised to transfer to Linode via my email address. I'll post again to confirm that this was the problem once it's all sorted. Hopefully, this may help someone else at some stage.

Well, it wasn't the email address that caused this problem as I still can't get AFNIC to accept the linode nameservers with the correct email address. So I'm now looking at the IPv6 issue.

I had a similar issue with a .fr domain. Apparently the .fr organization will only accept 4 nameservers (not more). In any case this resolved my issue.

Well, I only have four nameservers set for the domain - ns1-ns4. It seems that ns5 is also expected. When I add this and run the zonecheck utility supplied by AFNIC - - I get a successful check so I'm hoping that all will be well once the new DNS is set up with the registrar.

I just noticed that I do in fact have five nameservers set for this domain. I'm not sure how I remove one - the remove button is not active on the linode edit zone screen. I'll have a look through the documentation to see how to do this.


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