IRC Server
I would like to host a hub server for on my linode. Bandwidth usage is estimated to be a couple of gigs per month due to this server not serving clients. The oftc network is similiar to freenode though smaller and right now has servers mainly located outside the United States.
I do plan on upgrading to a 128 linode as soon as one becomes available.
3 Replies
Also, the new Linode 128 server arrived at HE yesterday, but it hasn't been installed into my cabinet yet. Hopefully sometime today
I think that would be great. I love, you can usually find me in #uml.
Also, the new Linode 128 server arrived at HE yesterday, but it hasn't been installed into my cabinet yet. Hopefully sometime today
:-) Thanks!
So some linodes will be located in Fremount while some will still be in Dallas?