CMS Recommendations

Can someone recommend me a CMS that is very beginner friendly?


5 Replies

For what kind of site?

If it's going to look anything like a blog, use WordPress.

ewww wordpress….

I don't really like Wordpress, Right now I am giving PyroCMS a try it seems to be nice. But the lack of ready made themes for it is making me think twice(I really don't know how to theme much, this is all a learning experience for me)

The site I want is just a personal site, a few static pages, a gallery, maybe a blog. Is Drupal good? And what is the learning curve for it? Thanks

I've tried Drupal, Joomla and Wordpress, and always come back to Wordpress, but I'm looking at WebGUI, written in Perl.

I'd go for drupal out of the ones listed so far, however it's not as beginner friendly as wordpress etc but it's more light weight and flexible. The ckeditor module adds in a wysiwyg editor like the one you find in wordpress.


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