Is it possible to implement VPS to Linode?


I would like to ask if there's online library or link(s) for tutorial on how to implement VPS on Linode. On the other hand, is it possible to implement VPS on Linode platform? I am choosing between and Linode. has CDN but Linode don't have. I'm aware that learning curve of using Linode is steep and I'm worried if I choose Linode and found out that there is no way or impossible to setup CDN system using Linode then it will just waste of effort and time. Do you have case studies for customers who have developed their own CDN deployment utilising the Linode platform?



3 Replies

I think there have been a few posts about setting up a homebrew CDN elsewhere in the forums (search for "CDN"). In general, though, people seem to either forgo it and host their assets on their normal web servers, or use a third-party service. Amazon CloudFront and Rackspace Cloud Files are two name-brand possibilities.

It pretty much comes down to cost: for the amount of data you're going to push, and the quantity you're going to store, will you save that much money doing it yourself, vs. outsourcing it? Probably not.

(This doesn't mean "don't use Linode", of course… just because Linode sells VPSes and a few other companies sell VPSes and a CDN doesn't necessarily mean going with the latter group for VPSes is a better deal (or even a good idea). My "real" job runs on a collection of Rackspace Cloud Servers yet uses Amazon S3 and CloudFront for asset storage/delivery, so even if you DO go with, their CDN might not be for you.)

You can install ownCloudon you linode.

Thank you for the replies. I'll take a look on your suggestions. :)


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