Using Putty from Linode Manager > Remote Access Page

Greetings all,

I am new to this community.

I have setup my Windows OS to open Putty when I click on a SSH:// link. I would like to be able to click on the SSH link (either one would do) that shows on the Linode Manager > Linodes > linodeXXXXXX > Remote Access page and be able to log in.

When I click on the SSH Access link, Putty opens with userID "ssh://root" (which is almost what I want). And when I click on the Lish via SSH link, Putty opens up with userID "ssh://". Needless to say, neither of thes usernames are valid on my server.

When I open Putty manually, and have my IP address as the host, I'm prompted to enter the userID.

How do I get the link to open Putty without the 'ssh://' prefix showing up in the userID? Or better still, how do I get Putty opened with simply the right host address, so I can enter the username I need to log in with?



4 Replies


I am new to this community.

We're an anarcho-syndicalist commune. We take it in turns to act as a sort of executive officer for the week. But all the decisions of that officer have to be ratified at a special biweekly meeting.


How do I get the link to open Putty without the 'ssh://' prefix showing up in the userID? Or better still, how do I get Putty opened with simply the right host address, so I can enter the username I need to log in with?

You could rewrite and recompile the open source code, that would be one way to do it.



So I gather that this is an issue everyone has with Putty? I've setup a profile in Putty and it works fine from a short-cut, just thought it would be smoother it I could click on the link in the page.

Short-cut is easier than modding/recompiling Putty.


Napoleon BlownApart

(By product of the Commune)

You could try altering your ssh:// association in the browser and force feed Putty with some command line options?

Also, if the SSH URL has "root" for username, I don't see how you can override that unless you force-feed the username to the association configured, but then EVERY SSH URL will use that username.

yes, I can see the problem, especially if you don't want to login as 'root', which is inadvisable anyway.




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