postfix and dovecot new version

dovecot.conf file is having many errors (library is having tutorial of old version) … 0.04-lucid">

Can anyone give me dovecot.conf file for postfix, dovecot 2.0.13 with Ubuntu 11?

3 Replies

There are two 2011 releases of Ubuntu: April (11.04) and October (11.10). Which one are you looking for?

If possible, it might be a good idea to stick with 10.04 (the latest LTS) until the next LTS is released… there will probably be more documentation by then, and a better dovecot 1.2 -> dovecot 2.0 migration path.

Im having the same problems with following that guide on Ubuntu 11.10.

My Dovecot service doesnt start and when I google for the error message in my syslog, it points to the dovecot.conf file.

I never thought the config file listed on the guide might be wrong, until I read your message.

I am looking for ubuntu 11.10 and it is impossible to deploy a new ubuntu as I have already configured everything.

Can you please give me dovecot.conf for ubuntu 11.10?


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