AliasMatch regular expression help
i was hoping someone out there might be able to help with a AliasMatch regular expression in apache.
not being competant at regex, i am always left scratching my head over anything but simple expressions
what i am trying to do is to match all but a few directories with an alias. what i can't seem to do is to exclude some directories from the match
here is what i have
AliasMatch ^/(?=.*?[a-zA-Z0-9]+)((?!content|secure|secureadmin|template|setup|sites|cards).)/?(.*)*$ /home/$1/www/$2
it is supposed to match all the directories of the domain with the exception of content, secure etc.
i have been able to get the full match to work, but as soon as i exclude directories, it just doesn't work. i have tried many other alternatives of course, but have no idea really if i am getting closer or further away from a solution.
any help would be appreciated