Lish Ajax console port?

I changed the default SSH port and can't use the AJAX terminal now… at least I think that's what caused it…. does it only work on port 22?

12 Replies

Lish does not interact with your node's SSH daemon in any way. It logs in over the virtual equivalent of a serial console.

What browser are you using? The Lish Ajax console can be pretty wonky in…most of them. Have you tried logging into Lish over SSH? (The login details are one line above the link to the Ajax version.)

What do you mean by "can't use", anyway?

yea, guess I wasn't terribly clear…

So, when I use the AJAX terminal it loads up and shows all the terminal messages BUT I cannot interact or type anything in there.

I just tried to lish via ssh, and it does the exact same thing.

I just opened up iptables for the hell of it as well, but that didnt make any difference…

normally I wouldnt care, but earlier today I was screwing with iptables and managed to lock myself out… I've always loved having the ajax console as a backup just in case I pull a stupid move like that :)

LISH basically connects to your linode's virtual serial port, so you could shut down all networking on your linode and still use LISH.

yea so, it doesn't work and this means I really don't know why…

guess I'll open a ticket.

LISH basically connects to your linode's virtual serial port, so you could shut down all networking on your linode and still use LISH.

You're running a custom kernel via pv_grub and haven't correctly configured a getty to listen on the correct console device (most likely either tty1 or hvc0) for your kernel. Depending on your init it's either going to be /etc/inittab or one of them newfangled upstart config files.


ahh that makes sense, I'll see what I can do :)

thanks Caker

Alrighty, Caker is definitely correct as to what my issue is, I can temporarily turn on the terminal by issuing this command:

/sbin/getty 38400 hvc0

however this is debian 6 and I cannot, for the life of me, figure out what to change so that this is used on bootup. The stupid inittab keeps overwriting my changes on reboot. In Ubuntu there are some other files/folders that don't seem to exist in Debian (like /etc/init/tty1.conf and /etc/event.d/tty1)

Any help would be appreciated.

Hmm … disable "Helper Xen" in your configuration profile and reboot -- that may be responsible for overwriting your inittab changes. If so, it's a bug.


yea, I just figured that out, I disabled the 'Xenify Distro' in the config page and now my changes are persistent and working as expected.

Thanks man!

I had the same problem with Lish and I thought it was something related with my browser.

Thanks to this post and … figuration"> I have Lish working :)

PD: Debian 6 just need to change inittab file, and Xenify Distro in Linode Manager.

lmao, I wish I would have searched for that page before randomly changing things, would saved a bit of time :)


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