New StackScript for FreePBXv3 and FreeSWITCH deployment


Just dropping a quick thread here on the forums to let folks know that I have updated a fairly-popular StackScript of mine that automagically installs FreePBX version 3 and FreeSWITCH. The update exists mainly to repair bugs that have cropped up over time BUT also pushes new deployments to use Debian 6 32-bit.

View the StackScript's details here:

~~[" target="_blank">]( … riptID=514">](

BEFORE YOU NAG ME: Yes, I know, is now considered to be (at least by some) the replacement for FreePBX version 3. I am considering making a version of this StackScript that installs that, but people I respect have given me very "mixed" reviews of its stability, so I need your input to determine if it's worth my efforts yet.

Again, many thanks to the large number of folks that use this script, and my sincerest apologies to new potential users who have been left out while I've let this lapse over the past year and a half. :-D

Thanks Kindly!

Quinn Ebert

TheLobby on IRC.TBRN.NET


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