phpMyAdmin to work with openvpn

Hi everyone,

I'm a little stuck…

I've followed the guide to set up OpenVPN.

I also set up phpMyAdmin.

Once I connect to my OpenVPN, my ip address changes to my server ip address but I still cannot access phpMyAdmin.

the conf for my phpMyAdmin.conf is

Order Deny,Allow

Deny from All

Allow from 10.8.

Allow from [server ip address]

Allow from

Allow from ::1

I am only able to access domain/phpmyadmin if i add..

Allow from "home ip address" even when connected to openVPN and my is "server ip address"

I'm thinking that the problem is.. an OpenVPN issue and I need to change the server.conf to "dev tap" instead of "dev tun" (it is current on "dev tun").

Any helpful advice or suggestions will be greatly appreciated! :).

Thanks in advance.

5 Replies

If you are trying to access something on the same IP address as the OpenVPN endpoint, the traffic will not travel via OpenVPN. You can't route traffic to the same IP address as the other end of the tunnel over the tunnel because OpenVPN needs to be able to reach the IP address of the other end of the tunnel without going over the tunnel because a tunnel can't tunnel itself.

Also, NAT is applied on egress: your traffic doesn't take on the server's IP address until immediately before it leaves the server, which traffic terminating within the server never does.

Consider connecting to the IP address of the far side of the tunnel (by the library config, it would be


You can't route traffic to the same IP address as the other end of the tunnel over the tunnel because OpenVPN needs to be able to reach the IP address of the other end of the tunnel without going over the tunnel because a tunnel can't tunnel itself.
What? :roll:

Yes but he did use the word "egress" correctly in a sentence, so cut him some slack. :lol:

Perhaps this will be more clear, hybinet. If we apply the z-transform to the problem, we find its polar (that is, z-plane) representation is of the form

~~![](<URL url=) … hsshp4.jpg">" />

where the tunnel endpoint and endpoint tunnel termini converge at a point z = 0+j1. Although the system is not unstable (as r is constant and not greater than one), it is clear that the packets aren't going to go anywhere if they're going to where they're coming from to get where they're going.~~


z = 0+j1.

Dude, this is totally uncalled for, seriously. :mrgreen:

Next thing you'll say is that the snake you got the pic of is hiding in one of the infinite crevices of the Mandelbrot set resulting from the equation?


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