Strange File
(my server is Ubuntu 10.04 LTS)
I recently had a (benign?) shell fork bomb incident, which I managed to correct with this command:
while (sleep 100 &!) do; done
However, my server now shows this document in my user directory, which was created at the time of the shell bomb:
Anybody know what this might be?
I can't delete it nor can I open it with a text editor
5 Replies
I can't delete it nor can I open it with a text editor
Have you tried doing so as root?
Yes that is what I have done…simples javascript:emoticon(':lol:')
so I just cli:
I opened the file and it was a load of bash commands that had been involved in the shell fork.
so I just cli:
seems to have resolved the issue
You told that you couldn't delete it?