Cloud Computing

I just got a new server today, and I hate letting it sit there do nothing while I pay for it. Is there any cool cloud computing software available like Folding@Home that does something similar but maybe has a bit of a return for doing it other than points? Would go with bit coins, but I'm a bit late for that.

4 Replies

Remember you're sharing resources with others:

Ah, you're right. Guess that wouldn't be very fair. What about something not so CPU intensive, like maybe something that just hits a database every now and then or something, at least until I have some sites completed.

EDIT: hmm would it be possible to have it download my (legal) torrents for me, and then I would just download over http later?


Ah, you're right. Guess that wouldn't be very fair. What about something not so CPU intensive, like maybe something that just hits a database every now and then or something, at least until I have some sites completed.

EDIT: hmm would it be possible to have it download my (legal) torrents for me, and then I would just download over http later?


If you ask me, the desire to utilize 100% of all computing resources just because you have them is not a good behavior.

I too once also had this desire. I just wanted to see torrents transferring and CPU churning.. even if it was on something like tormenting which really isn't beneficial for anyone.

Now I'm proud to say that If I don't need my laptop to complete a task, then it's shut. We'll now I'm doing scientific computing at the University, and I can't get enough computing power!!!

even then I could spend more time refining my algorithms and less time watching the CPU Temp Monitor :) lol. Though it's quite ascetic to watch the CPU temperature rise :)

I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to shut all the computers off and read for a few more days.


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