Google Apps DNS woes

Hi, I have setup Google Apps with my domain, got it all activated and what not. But I am having an issue where the CNAME isnt working correctly. I have calendar and docs working, and all 3 use the same alias, so I'm not sure what I've done wrong. Any Ideas?

Hostname                  Aliases to

Using mail takes me to my domains server.

Note: its been hours since I created these records, so there is no doubt they all have been updated.

Apps is also configured to use for mail.

4 Replies

Works just fine for me, has for years. Don't know what's wrong, since you didn't post any information of value, like your actual domain name, we can't check anything.

Oops guess that could be of some help. :D

My domain is

I have had Apps setup on countless domains but this is the first I've had issues with. sends me to Google to log into gmail for your domain. Looks like something is cached on your end or the DNS server's you're going through right now.

Odd.. I am on OpenDNS so I bet thats the case. Thanks for your help!

EDIT: After a reboot I am able to connect correctly


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