1+ Years of Uptime with linode!

Today I hit 365 days of uptime on the linode which hosts my blog and 371 days on my other linode hosts company web site. Both linodes are hosted on different hosts boxes but on same DC ( london)

My network uptime is about 99.9978% ( according to pingdom)

I have wrote my rant on my blog and you may see it here- http://www.ruchirablog.com/1-years-uptime-linode/ :)

Im impressed with linode and cannot ask for more, other than BSD :)

Thanks Linode,




7 Replies

Yay now go reboot to get the latest kernel patches :P

My uptime is 99.96 in the past 18 months according to pingdom. Most of that was me forgetting to turn it off during my own maintenance ..

The more uptime you have, the more vulnerable you are to exploits ^_^


The more uptime you have, the more vulnerable you are to exploits ^_^
I knew that I should expect these kind of replies when I posted my long uptime (•͡.̮ ~͡)



The more uptime you have, the more vulnerable you are to exploits ^_^

I knew that I should expect these kind of replies when I posted my long uptime (•͡.̮ ~͡)

Thats why you should define uptime! Uptime != time booted, uptime = application availability excluding system maintenance aka reboots


The more uptime you have, the more vulnerable you are to exploits ^_^
That's why I keep my node in Fremont. Built-in reboots every couple of months to update to the latest kernel and to check that recent configuration changes "stuck". :lol:


That's why I keep my node in Fremont. Built-in reboots every couple of months to update to the latest kernel and to check that recent configuration changes "stuck". :lol:
Ha haa built in reboots lol :twisted:



The more uptime you have, the more vulnerable you are to exploits ^_^
That's why I keep my node in Fremont. Built-in reboots every couple of months to update to the latest kernel and to check that recent configuration changes "stuck". :lol:
And the manner of those reboots (sudden power loss) also makes you double-check that your database is ACID.


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