confused about my network settings

Hi -

I've got a linode 512, running Ubuntu 10.04. It's up and running and I can login via the ajax ssh console no problem.

However, I start running into problems when I try to change the eth0 adapter from dhcp to static and/or connect to my linode via ssh.

leaving the /etc/network/interfaces file to dhcp, I get a valid IP, and can ping/ssh out. When I try to ssh in from my mac, I immediately, get the "permission denied (publickey)" message.

I checked my sshd_config file, and added:

PermitRootLogin yes                    
ChallengeResponseAuthentication no 

And confirmed that port 22 was set.

Any ideas whats going on?

Secondly, how do I go about enabling a static IP address? I followed the Linode guide, and changed my /etc/network/interfaces file to read static rather than dhcp, and I added addresses for my IP, Gateway and Netmask. But when I restarted the network service, I could not ping out to any ip address aside from loopback and my own.

Help is appreciated. I feel like I am missing something painfully obvious…

3 Replies

Your SSH config is missing a space. It should be:

PasswordAuthentication yes

Also, your IP is already static. Linode uses what's called a DHCP reservation which means that your node will always be issued the same IP address by the DHCP server when it reboots. The only reason to disable DHCP and use static networking is if you add another IP. In that case, there is a guide on Linode Library, here: … interfaces">

TL;DR: Fix your SSH config, and leave DHCP enabled.


Your SSH config is missing a space. It should be:

PasswordAuthentication yes

Also, your IP is already static. Linode uses what's called a DHCP reservation which means that your node will always be issued the same IP address by the DHCP server when it reboots. The only reason to disable DHCP and use static networking is if you add another IP. In that case, there is a guide on Linode Library, here: … interfaces">

TL;DR: Fix your SSH config, and leave DHCP enabled.

That missing space isn't in my sshd_config…

I'll leave the dhcp option in place for now.

Still confused why I cannot ssh into my linode however.

Iptables isn't up and running.

Would Linode be filtering my VM? I had it up for a while, before I started using it…

What's strange is the Permission Denied (publickey) message is telling me it's not looking for a password…

EDIT: I can telnet to my IP on port 22 and get an SSH-2.0-openssh prompt. But the hostname that comes up is kind of weird…it say's connected to ""…

Could my linode have been co-opted?


What do you think your IP address is?

Does it match what you get when you do "ip addr" with DHCP enabled?

Does it match what shows up on the Remote Access tab in the dashboard?


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