[RESOLVED] Exim send-only / Problem with e-mails to myself

Hi everyone,

This is my first post here :)

Here's my problem:

I have installed Exim4 (send-only) on my Ubuntu 10.04

So far so good the server sends e-mails to accounts in GMAIL or other mail providers.

I have several domains and it also sends e-mail to them. These domains are all set up with the Google MX Records.

The problem is when I send an e-mail from my primary domain to myself it doesn't send it to Google. It just appears in /var/mail/xxxxx

However if I send an e-mail to the same account from outside the server (i.e from my personal e-mail) it gets to Google.

I've tried changing the hostname to a full www.example.com instead of example.com

I can paste config files if needed.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.

3 Replies


Hi everyone,

This is my first post here :)

Here's my problem:

I have installed Exim4 (send-only) on my Ubuntu 10.04

So far so good the server sends e-mails to accounts in GMAIL or other mail providers.

I have several domains and it also sends e-mail to them. These domains are all set up with the Google MX Records.

The problem is when I send an e-mail from my primary domain to myself it doesn't send it to Google. It just appears in /var/mail/xxxxx

However if I send an e-mail to the same account from outside the server (i.e from my personal e-mail) it gets to Google.

I've tried changing the hostname to a full www.example.com instead of example.com

I can paste config files if needed.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.

It would seem to me that you have added the domain that doesn't work as expected as a local domain… (However that looks in exim…)

If that doesn't make sense, maybe you can share the exim configuration?

Absolutely. Which file is it exactly ?

In /etc/exim4 there is:



When I set up the exim I told him the domain was "local domain".

So Exim was always sending the mails locally.

I just had to run the config again:

dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config


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